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    International Trade Administration Standards Initiative
  Office of Standards Liaison

 General Information

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 Standards Resources

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  Africa, Near-East, South Asia
  Central, Eastern Europe, Russia
  East Asia Pacific
  Western Europe
  Western Hemisphere

  ITA Offices

   U.S. Commercial Service
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   Import Administration



Additional Standards Resources:

NIST: Global Standards Information website

Global Standards Information (GSI) website, managed by the Standards Services Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology provides standards and conformity assessment information to help U.S. businesses to compete successfully in the global marketplace. Find the latest global standards news, events, resources, key contacts and more here at the GSI - sign up today and get customized updates sent right to your inbox.

Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Standards and Technical Trade Barriers- ITAC 16

The Industry Trade Advisory Committees (ITACs) are a unique public-private partnership jointly managed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Office of United States Trade Representative to engage business leaders in formulating U.S. trade policy.

The Committee provides detailed policy and technical advice, information, and recommendations to the Secretary and the USTR regarding trade barriers, negotiation of trade agreements, and implementation of existing trade agreements affecting its subject area; and performs such other advisory functions relevant to U.S. trade policy as may be requested by the Secretary and the USTR or their designees.

Standards in U.S Regulations

The Standards Incorporated by Reference (SIBR) Database includes the voluntary consensus standards, government unique standards, private industry standards, and international standards referenced in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

ANSI StandardsLearn.org External Web Site

This web resource provides easy-to-use, self-paced educational tools for everyone who wants or needs an introduction to standards and conformity assessment activities.